Laerdal Inf.Int. Head Retention (080302)
Laerdal Inf.Int. Head Retention (080302) Infant head retention For use with Laerdal®ALS Bab..
Laerdal Infant Airway Management Trainer (Multi) (250-00250)
Laerdal Infant Airway Management Trainer (Multi) (250-00250) The most realistic tool for practicing..
Laerdal Infant IV Leg (365-00101)
Laerdal Infant IV Leg (365-00101)Allows student to master extremity venipuncture procedures and intr..
Laerdal Inner Shell IV Torso (092010)
Laerdal Inner Shell IV Torso (092010) Inner Shell IV Torso. For use with Laerdal® IV ..
Laerdal Intraosseous Trainer - Leg (080015)
Laerdal Intraosseous Trainer - Leg (080015) With one Leg and five Intraosseous Pads. Laerdal®..
Laerdal Introduction MegaCode Kelly (200-90450)
Laerdal Introduction MegaCode Kelly (200-90450) Introduction MegaCode Kelly. For use with MegaC..
Laerdal Introduction MegaCode Kid Class (231-90950)
Laerdal Introduction MegaCode Kid Class (231-90950) Introduction Megacode Kid Class. For use with ..
Laerdal Introduction Nursing Kelly (300-90950)
Laerdal Introduction Nursing Kelly (300-90950) For use with Nursing Kelly Introduction Courses ..
Laerdal Jaw Baby Anne (050400)
Laerdal Jaw Baby Anne (050400) Jaw Baby Anne. For use with Baby Anne™ ..